What is a velomobile you ask? Quite simply, a velomobile is a human powered vehicle, usually a recumbent trike that has bodywork around it for aerodynamics and for weather protection. The velomobile pictured above is built by a company called Organic Transit. This prototype is not one of the more aerodynamic models as seen below, but its price is supposed to start at 4000 dollars. For that price you get a human powered vehicle capable of hauling one passenger or small amounts of cargo complete with an electric assist drive and signals and lights. All of which does not need a license to operate, as it technically qualifies as an electrically assisted bicycle. These types of vehicles are the most sustainable you can get. They recharge with solar power if they need recharged at all; some velomobiles are solely human powered.
This is something to think about, if you live only a few miles from work and do not need a long commute, this could be a year round alternative to a car. Just think about how much money you will save on fuel and maintenance costs for an automobile. With peak oil just around the corner this is just the type of vehicle we need for a more sustainable future. For more information just check out www.velomobilenews.com.
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