The national budget. Nothing quite says unsustainable quite like the national budget. With both sides of the isle posturing to get their side of the argument heard, we lose site of what it truly means to be sustainable.
First of all, the national budget can be sustainable in only one way. The same way that numerous states have already made their budgets sustainable. With a balanced budget amendment. Regardless who puts this one out their, if we cannot balance the budget on a regular basis we will be heading down the toilet in a hurry.
Its not as difficult as they want it to seem. All you have to do is only spend the amount of money you have coming in and no more. Just like you and I do in our own personal lives. If you don't have it to spend, don't spend it. Many of our nations national debt problems could easily be solved if we just added this one little amendment. Then none of us would be able to complain about the other party who is in office isn't balancing the budget, or who is jacking our national debt out of site. Nice and simple isn't it. Don't make things more complicated than it needs to be. That is exactly what our politicians have been doing for far to long. We need to tell them to KEEP IT SIMPLE.
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