Saturday, May 18, 2013

Sustainable Cars for You

O.K. so we all know what it means to have a sustainable car. Most likely it will be electric. But what about now. What about those of us that are looking for a good car but can't afford a new car. If you want my opinion on a good choice for a sustainable car look to your local police department. Having just purchased a used Crown Victoria, I can tell you this. It is an amazingly well put together car. I have seen examples of these cars used by taxi companies and what not that have 3 and even 400,000 miles on them. They can be purchased ridiculously cheap and are cheap to repair and maintain. So if you are looking to have a sustainable car that will last for literally decades, why not choose a good used cop car. They are a blast to drive and in the event of the apocalypse, we all know what kind of cars will rule the road. The same ones that did before the apocalypse.

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